Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
We had already registered, but I didn't want to go too public about it until we had secured the .com as well.
I'm thinking about a CMS - possibly Joomla ... we have no experience with this stuff.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My plan is to make an 8-channel version of this. Os will consider selling PCBs, but I think it's simple enough that I might just use a big piece of perfboard
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thanks for looking after my needs.
Friday, June 11, 2010
TV dead.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
in:fuse LINEUP.
The Friday and Saturday lineup for the ORP (i.e. OM Festival) in:fuse gathering this year is:
ARIA / quirk
Cabin Boy Billy
Caspar Project
Crouching Tiger
Dharma Lab
Disko & v0ins
Dj Azakite
Dj Soma
Gavin Attwood
Hans Ohm
Jibby Jabrone
Kneading Doe
Kristian Sunflower
Lakeside Mile
Machine Elf
Martin Fazekas
Marty Mcfly
Mental Floss
Pat G
Praying Mantis
Ray Vincent
Spazzmonk aka DJ Gabor
Spiral Vision
Friday, June 4, 2010
- I had to follow an aggressive dubstep set that largely cleared the bar.
- For some unknown reason, Logic suddenly stopped and gave me one of those "I couldn't keep up" dialog boxes like 4 times during the show.
- After one of the aforementioned 5-second silence intervals, I did not recover at the correct point and subsequently missed about 4 minutes of my set, including most of "Atmos".
- Missing most of "Atmos" meant the Thingamakit solo was also missed.
- My wife told me it sounded like nothing was new, even though I played 3 (maybe 4?) new grooves.
- The x0xb0x line was out of sync during "London B" so I had to mute it.
- No good pics, video, or recordings.
- The police dropped by and insisted that the sound be turned down, drastically, at 1:40 AM.
And the positives:
- Mixing on the new Zero8 was a breeze. The pseudo-kaoss pad was a joy, and the channel meters were really helpful.
- Alex Smoke was there ... or, given the problems I had, maybe that's a negative?
- The sound was surprisingly good.
- One of the parts of "Helium" was missing from my bounces, so I re-recorded it in the hotel before the set, and I think the new part sounds sweeter.
I'm retooling for Om. Big time. New software will most likely either be MainStage or (gasp) Ableton Live. I will endeavour to use more live hardware synths where possible as well.
Om Reunion Project's "in:fuse" gathering is in two weeks. Details to follow.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Details to follow.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hi, I am currently using Logic 8. 3 lame questions:
- Will there be anything in Logic 8 that I will miss NOT having in Logic 9?
- Will I have to reinstall every single plug-in? Both instruments and effects or will it simply be updated from Logic 8?
- I am also on OSX 10.5. Should I switch to OSX 10.6? Will it mean reinstalling EVERYTHING from scratch then?
After the user "Ski" remarked about some lost functionality in Logic 9's undo history functionality, I responded:
I haven't had the time and money to upgrade my Logic. I got back from a week-long trip a couple of days ago and found a really nice surprise in the home studio: my wife bought me the Logic Studio 9 upgrade while I was away!
I had an extra 250 gig HD sitting around, plus a copy of Snow Leopard I've been meaning to install for a while, so I slid the drive into my Mac Pro and did a fresh install of Snow Leopard and iLife 09. Then I ran Software Update a few times and got everything to be current. Finally I used my new Logic Studio upgrade package to do a fresh install of all components, including Logic Pro 9.0. It asks for your previous serial number or XS Key.
The next thing I did is take Logic Pro 9 and Mainstage 2 for a quick whirl.
Logic 9 definitely looks just a bit nicer. The subtle shading to show the active section of the consolidated arrange window in Logic 8 is still there, but Apple has added a tasteful border around the active area, which makes it much easier to tell where you are.
Another thing I immediately played with is the resizable plug-ins. I like to tweak percussion sounds in Ultrabeat, but I find the UI so small that it's frustrating. Now you can resize the plug-in window and scale the entire UI. Brilliant.
Then I checked out the Pedalboard. I am not a guitarist, but I am something of a noisician, so running beats and other stuff through pedals is nothing new to me. You can not only chain a bunch of pedals, but you can change the signal flow and toggle or blend between effects in real time with the "mixer" pedal. This is a very inspiring way to mangle sound. I found myself wishing I could resize the window to show more actual pedals however, and suddenly I felt like I was using Ableton Live's frustrating side-scrolling signal path with no way to display the entire chain. I have a 30" monitor (2560x1600), but the pedalboard will only occupy about half of the screen. Sounds like something that could be addressed.
As for MainStage: If you play live with a MacBook as I do, you must check out MainStage 2. While Version 1 seemed more like a proof-of-concept to me, Version 2 is sweet. The "Playback" plugin opens up a world of possibilities. I had been suffering the limitations of using Logic to perform my live techno sets, and I was considering getting Ableton Live. I think instead I will re-tool my live set to use MainStage.
The Undo history issue Ski mentions sounds more like a bug to me than a feature change. I admit I am brand new at this, so I could be totally wrong, but I can't imagine Apple needing to take away a feature like that.
I haven't yet gotten into the power of Flex Time, which I suspect will completely negate any perceived need I may have had to buy Ableton Live.
The remaining two new features I most look forward to in composition are (1) the ability to set the volume of audio regions without needing to use automation, and (2) the myriad of new track management functions, such as bouncing in place and importing tracks from other projects.
So ... I'm not qualified to answer your question #1 yet. So let's move on.
2. If you install Logic 8 without installing a new OS, you will not need to re-install any plug-ins. Provided they are still compatible with Logic 9 (I don't know of any issues but no doubt there are some), they will continue to work.
3. So ... my wife upgraded her MacBook to 10.6 last year. The results were a bit disappointing - little if any performance gain, and a few new UI tweaks she'll never notice or use. I'll admit my results are somewhat preliminary, having installed it on my first-gen Mac Pro only a couple of days ago, but the performance increase when launching apps in amazing. Apps that took 3-4 seconds to launch (like Safari) now take 1 second. I suspect some of their multi-core optimizations are really working well for me on my Mac Pro.
You do not need 10.6 to run Logic 9, unless you want to run it as a 64-bit app. Presently there are very few practical reasons to do that, as it limits compatibility in some areas and its performance suffers. But if your computer has 4+ cores, you may benefit from Snow Leopard in other ways.
I'll admit I'm all over the place at the moment, and I'm typing this long message mainly because I'm waiting for 600 megs of software updates to download (Logic Studio apps are all updating to the latest as I write) ... but hopefully there's a little insight here for you.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
I keep forgetting to blog this video. It's three excerpts from my gig last month at the breakandenter two-year anniversary party.
Falko and Martin Fazekas also played great sets that night.
Maybe I'll just release it under Creative Commons licence and spread it out via Bit Torrent sites and YouTube, etc. It would make for quite the noble debut, I think ...
And trust me - the track slams.
I hope all Poly/EX-800 owners (including the Poly-800II) are at least aware of this. It is a Europa-style upgrade for Korg's diminutive 1980's synth blockbuster.
I've been meaning to pick up a kit for quite a while, but I have so many half-finished electronic projects on the go that I just can't justify starting another one right now. It's a shame, because my EX-800 is just crying to be used again.
My aim is to get on this before the end of the year.